Kollam, often referred to as the "land of cashews," is a picturesque and renowned tourist destination located in the northeastern region of Kerala, often described as "God's own country." This tranquil locale offers a serene escape for business professionals and an unforgettable experience for couples. The soothing climate and the gentle rhythm of the nearby lake contribute to its status as one of the premier tourist attractions in the world.

Discover the lush beauty of nature at its finest while staying at Days In Homestay. Nestled amidst serene and unspoiled surroundings on all sides, our homestay offers an unparalleled experience. Our top-notch service ensures that you feel right at home, making your stay truly special. After a visit to Days In Homestay, you'll leave with the feeling of having enjoyed a holiday in the comfort of your own home.


What make us special

Once you experience your stay with us,
you’ll feel that your preferences align perfectly with ours
Choosing Days In Homestay worth it .